Pectus Treatment

Why Choose Us

Welcome to Inhales-Exhales

At our dedicated Pectus Deformity centre, we understand that each individual’s journey with this condition is unique. We’re here to guide you through the entire process, from understanding the condition to selecting the most suitable treatment option for your needs. Our comprehensive approach covers both surgical and non-surgical solutions, ensuring that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Understanding Pectus Deformity:

Pectus Excavatum

Pectus Excavatum, the most common chest wall deformity often known as "sunken chest" or "funnel chest," is characterized by an inward depression of the breastbone (sternum). It typically manifests early in life and may become more noticeable during adolescence.

Pectus Carinatum

The second common chest wall deformity, pectus carinatum or “pigeon chest” or “Barrel chest” pectus excavatum is most likely caused by abnormal growth of the costal cartilage between the ribs and sternum. It usually becomes apparent during the growth spurt and puberty suddenly appeared.

Physically, individuals with Pectus deformity may experience symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath (Asthma-like), Palpitations, and limited physical endurance. The compression effect of the sunken chest can put pressure on the heart and lungs, leading to discomfort and restricted cardiovascular function. These physical discomforts can hinder everyday activities and restrict participation in sports and other physical pursuits.

However, the impact of Pectus deformity isn’t limited to the physical realm alone. Psychologically, this condition can have a profound effect on self-esteem and body image. Many individuals with Pectus patients report feelings of self-consciousness, low self-confidence, and social anxiety due to the visible chest deformity.

Poor posture can worsen the challenges associated with pectus deformities, such as Pectus Excavatum or Pectus Carinatum. It accentuates the visibility of chest deformities, leads to muscle imbalances, restricts proper breathing, places cardiovascular strain, and contributes to discomfort. Additionally, poor posture can have a psychological impact, affecting self-esteem and confidence. Addressing poor posture through exercises and mindful habits is essential for managing pectus deformities effectively and improving overall well-being.

Personalized Treatment Options:

We believe in tailoring treatment plans to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re seeking relief from physical discomfort, looking to enhance your chest’s appearance, or focusing on cosmetic correction, we offer a range of options to choose from:

Non-Surgical Solutions:

Physical Therapy

For those with milder symptoms or posture-related concerns, our specialized exercises aim to strengthen key muscle groups, improve posture, and increase lung capacity.

Vacuum Bell Therapy

An innovative non-surgical option, the Vacuum Bell, gradually and gently reshapes the chest over time. It creates a vacuum seal over the depressed area, lifting and expanding the sternum comfortably and non-invasively.


Non-surgical bracing is an effective option that gradually reshapes the chest over time, providing a non-invasive solution to address Pectus Carinatum.

Surgical Cosmetic Correction:

The Modified Nuss Procedure

As a leading institution in Pectus Excavatum surgical correction, we offer the Minimal Invasive Repair of Pectus Excavatum (MIRPE). This minimally invasive technique involves placing a curved metal bar under the sternum to reshape the chest. Our experienced surgical team has a remarkable success rate in achieving excellent cosmetic and functional outcomes.

The Modified Ravitch Procedure

Renowned for its success in correcting Pectus Carinatum, Unlike minimally invasive methods, it involves making an incision on the chest to access the deformity. During the procedure, abnormal cartilage and tissues are reshaped or removed, and sometimes support materials like metal struts are used to maintain the chest's corrected shape.

The Sandwich Procedure

For those seeking a minimally invasive alternative for Carinatum, the Sandwich Procedure offers a unique approach. It involves placing a custom-designed metal bar above and below the sternum to compress the defect. This method combines effective correction with reduced surgical invasiveness, delivering impressive cosmetic results.



Inhales Exhales Clinic

No 41 , 1st Main Road, Jawahar Nagar, Chennai 600082

The Power of Transformation:

Our commitment goes beyond just physical correction; it’s about transforming lives. We understand the emotional impact of Pectus deformities and how it can affect self-esteem. Many of our patients have experienced a newfound confidence and improved quality of life following treatment, especially with a focus on cosmetic enhancement.

Success Rate of Surgical Correction:

We’re proud to share that our surgical correction procedures, including the MIRPE and Sandwich procedures, have demonstrated a high success rate in achieving significant cosmetic improvements. Patients often report increased self-confidence, reduced discomfort, and enhanced lung function, making cosmetic correction a pivotal part of their transformation.

Your Journey Starts Here:

Embark on your journey to a sunken chest correction, including cosmetic enhancement and renewed confidence. Explore our comprehensive resources, meet our team of specialists, and hear inspiring stories from individuals who have transformed their lives with our help. Your path to a brighter, more confident future awaits. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward your Pectus deformity transformation. We’re here to support you every step of the way, including achieving your desired cosmetic results.

Unlocking Your Beauty and Confidence:

If you’re seeking to enhance the appearance of your chest while boosting your beauty and confidence levels, the MIRPE and Sandwich procedure emerges as the optimal choice. We understand that your self-confidence is deeply connected to your physical appearance, and we’re here to help you realize your full potential. Imagine the satisfaction of looking in the mirror and seeing a chest that aligns with your desired beauty standards. This transformation doesn’t just change your physical appearance; it elevates your self-esteem, allowing you to step confidently into every aspect of your life. Embrace the beauty and confidence you deserve with these procedures. Your journey to a more radiant you starts here.


+91 97318 23368 / +91 89775 83775

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